Elbow Pain

Elbow Pain

The elbow is a precarious joint, involving the connection of three large bones and two major muscle groups.  It moves as a hinge and in rotation so it’s involved in many repetitive daily motions and also in many sports. There are tendons on both the inside and outside of the elbow that attach the muscles to the bone, and they can easily become inflamed. This condition is known as “tendinitis”, or you may have heard the variations: golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis).  Additionally, there is a fluid-filled sac or “bursa” that surrounds the tip of the elbow, and this can also become inflamed, known as “bursitis”.

You might have noticed pain and tenderness in your elbow or a weakened grip after a weekend of work or play. Activities such as yard work, yoga, mouse use, baseball and golf can result in repetitive strain or isolated injuries. In any case, inflamed tendons and bursa of the elbow are usually to blame.

Acupuncture works quickly and effectively to reduce pain and inflammation of this joint. The increase in white blood cells works to reduce swelling and inflammation of the tendons and surrounding area, while increasing nutrient-rich blood supply to the joint.  It also releases tight muscles in the joints that may be causing pain and imbalance in twisting, rotating and throwing motions.

I use a combination of acupuncture, infrared therapy, electrical stim and Chinese herbs to not only relieve pain, but to prevent recurrence of this injury.